First Slide: The Wolf (Canis lupus)
Second Slide: picture of wolf
Third Slide: Here are some facts pertaining to Wolves
*their order is Carnivore,
*Family: Canidae
*The wolf is the largest in the wild canine family
*The coyotes evolved separately from the wolf over 500,000 years ago
*This carnivore has 42 teeth
*Wolves have ears that are rounded
*Wolves have powerful jaws capable of generating 1,500 psi pressure
*Wolves are family oriented
* The season for mating for wolves is in February and March
*The female will carry her young in her belly for 63 days
* The pups of wolves are born in April or May
*The litter size is usually 4 to 7 pups (this depends on nutrition factors)
* Wolves communicate with others in their pack by harmony and integration rather than aggression
* Wolves are territorial
* The main threat of wolf population is loss of habitat
* The wolf is an ultimate predator at the top of the food chain
*The wolf is designed to run
* Wolves can kill healthy animals though they prefer to seek out the sick, or feeble such as the old or new young
*The wolf is able to travel 5 miles per hour trot
* Wolves can run between 28 and 40 miles per hour up to 20 minutes
*The back of teeth or as said carnassials molars are designed to crush bone and shear meat
* Wolves have two types of hair the guards and undercoat
Fourth Slide: The main threats that harm Wolves
* Loss of Land
Fifth Slide: Ranchers
Sixth Slide: picture of ranchers
*Ranchers are not found of Wolves
*Ranchers believe that much of their livestock is killed by wolves when their livestock is killed more by disease and other predators
* Ranchers don’t see it but if documented and studied the Ranchers would understand that the wolves are making their livestock stronger by taking out the week and old.
*Rarely do wolves attach prey that is healthy, for they seek the week and old as well as young because they are easy prey
*Though Ranchers are fearful that if wolves were able to venture in the wild again that they would kill all their livestock in causing the Ranchers to lose profit.
Seventh Slide: Loss of Habitat
Eighth Slide: Picture of loss of habitat
Ninth Slide: Habitat Loss is caused by
*Big Companies
* Corporations
*The construction of new houses in the area
*Stores such as huge malls or other stores
Tenth Slide: Sad Factor of Wolves
Eleventh Slide: Picture of Wolves
Twelfth Slide: Depletion
*Wolves were killed off the brink of extinction within some sub-species due to man over shooting and killing these animals because of misunderstanding.
*Wolves where then killed because of killing livestock
* Man was the reason for this carnivore decreasing past its limits.
Thirteenth Slide: Though there is hope for these Magnificent Creatures
*Reintroduction of Wolves in certain areas to help the ecosystem and keep the herbivore population from over populating.
Fourteenth Slide: A good place to begin the Reintroduction of Wolves
*Yellow Stone National Park
Fifteenth Slide: Picture of Yellow Stone National Park
Sixteenth Slide: Yellow Stone National Park
*Is a place to grab your backpacks and begin the journey of camping
*There is abundant life such as
And more
*This place helps the wolves in beginning them in an area where they are not in captivity but in their natural environment doing as nature intended.
* The wolves serve as helping with the ecosystem and providing a good learning tool to the people whom visit the camp ground
Seventieth Slide: More Places for Wolf Reintroduction
Eightieth Slide: Mexican Wolf Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area
Nineteeth Slide: picture of map showing the area of Mexican Wolf Range Wolf Recovery Area
Twentyth Slide: Oregon Wolves
Twenty-oneth Slide: Picture of the area of where the Oregon Wolves are located
Twenty- twoth Slide: There are places
*Who are trying to regain the numbers of wolf reintroduction though it is going to be tough because biologist and Wildlife Care Takers are going tp have to fight for these animals rights
* For the wolves cannot talk for themselves so the people will have to have their evidence speak on the wolves behalf
Thank you ….
Hope you enjoyed my lesson taught
Sincerley Aliza Moya
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