Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Myths and Facts Of Thy Wolf

                Wolves, unique creatures of the night are more than what people portray them to be. They have been mixed up in fairytales to be carried down through the ages. These myths live in tales and stories planted in our minds to where they have become fact in some resident’s perspective. Wolves have been stated to be vicious demons that are only capable of evil with an insatiable thirst for flesh. It has even gone far enough in the minds of people too creative for their own good to state that when the moon is at the right cycle wolves are able to possess the soul of a human. Though there is no documentation of a healthy wolf killing a human, sadly most of the myths that are lingering about is what most perceive as truth about the wolf. Due to this ridiculous bundle of stories wolves have been alienated the most of all the predators.
                Wolves regardless of what some wish to think or state, wolves play a vital role in the ecosystem.  These predators are needed not just a want but a need. It was seen within surveys that most Americans stated that they wished for wolves to be reintroduced back into the wild. Other places such as agencies of U.S Fish and Wildlife Service within Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado have shown that a good amount of the people there want the reintroduction of wolves. The percentage of people who think the reintroduction is a good idea is 70%.  People from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula whom stated on behalf of being hunters heavily supported the idea of wolves to be in the wild. Then within Yellowstone 78% of visitors stated that wolf reintroduction would serve a good purpose. Though in areas where wolves are such as Alaska have decreased the herbivores in the area but it is stated that it will be a better situation to handle rather than what we humans are doing to the ecosystem. To show human impact more deer were killed due to cars in standing at a number of 8,558 deer killed, while wolves killed and consumed several hundred deer, then hunters killed 116,000. As it is seen here that wolves are not the main player who is having an impact on the lives of the deer populations. Wolves serve purposes such as strengthening herds by killing and consuming the weak of the herd, so when breeding takes place within the herbivore herds only the strong would have survived to mate with one another. Wolves also help to feed other carnivores in the area by leaving leftovers for other scavengers. They are a part of the natural order and without them the ecosystem may not fall apart all at once but this movement of wolves will have an effect, perhaps excellent if reintroduced in the proper way or fail if not done properly.


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